Monday 7 December 2015

Target Audience: Demographic profile

Target audience: Demographic profile
The age of our target audience spans from teenagers 15 all the way to 30. The reason why we have ranged our thriller from 15 all the way to 30 is because we feel this is the best age range for aiming a film of the thriller genre at as people at 15 are young and enjoy thrillers for their action and so do people all the way up to 30. We have target our thriller more towards the male gender and the reason for this is because we feel that this is the gender who takes most interest in the thriller genre and the reason for this is due to its violence and fast paced action which doesn’t always appeal to the female gender. We have aimed our thriller at a working class background for people who lead normal lives neither over extravagant nor extremely deprived. The reason why we have done this is because we feel this is where the audience for thrillers is mostly found and they will also be the people who also have enough money and free time to go to the cinema and watch films.  We think that the majority of people within our target audience won’t have a family e.g. have kids but however be single or in some form of relationship and this is due to the fact that the majority of our target audience is within the younger generation. The interests that my target market will have will include things such as watching TV and film and also enjoying being able to simply sit and relax watching a film at the cinema for example. They will also like to socialise with their friends and spend time in a number of places socialising with friends in places such as restaurants the pub and at their friends’ houses.
The demographic groups which I would say fit my target audience best would be C2, D and E but however not all of group E as I feel that our thriller wouldn’t reach out to or appeal to pensioners for example. The reason why I feel that our thriller would reach out to these groups is due to the fact that these groups reach out to students which are a large part of our target audience. On top of this these types of people located within these groups are the working class people we are aiming or thriller at and at the same time work jobs which end at around 5 in the evening and also give them free weekends giving them time in the evening and at the weekend to have leisure time to do whatever they want such as go to the cinema for example and relax by watching a film.