Wednesday 10 February 2016


The target audience that we used was going to be from 15 and above mainly looking to target our film at male teenagers to males in their early twenties. The reason why we decided to use this target audience was due to the fact that after asking people what type of films that they like the most we found that teenagers to young adults like these type of thrillers which contain action along with a good story line behind them. In hindsight I do think that we should have done a questionnaire to have hard evidence to show the responses that we got. This is the reason why we chose a spy thriller because we know that the male gender likes more action and mystery whereas a number of females would rather be watching a love story for example. Despite our thriller opening not being rather manly due to the death in the scene and no female specific aspects which would cause more females to watch our opening I don’t think that females still couldn’t enjoy our thriller opening as it is engaging which is the main thing meaning that even if the females didn’t watch thrillers like this they could still be able to watch this and be interested.

The age of our target audience spans from teenagers 15 all the way to 30. The reason why we have ranged our thriller from 15 all the way to 30 is because we feel this is the best age range for aiming a film of the thriller genre at as people at 15 are young and enjoy thrillers for their action and so do people all the way up to 30. We have target our thriller more towards the male gender and the reason for this is because we feel that this is the gender who takes most interest in the thriller genre and the reason for this is due to its violence and fast paced action which doesn’t always appeal to the female gender. We have aimed our thriller at a working class background for people who lead normal lives neither over extravagant nor extremely deprived. When it comes to demographics we look to aim our product at the groups B,C1, C2 and D and the reason why we have included these demographic groups is because we feel like it fits with the middle and  working class target audience we are looking to reach out to. The reason why we have done this is because we feel this is where the audience for thrillers is mostly found and they will also be the people who also have enough money and free time to go to the cinema and watch films.  We think that the majority of people within our target audience won’t have a family e.g. have kids but however be single or in some form of relationship and this is due to the fact that the majority of our target audience is within the younger generation. The interests that my target market will have will include things such as watching TV and film some examples of these TV programmes and films they may watch include James Bond, Bourne, Luther and Suits, on top of enjoying being able to simply sit and relax watching a film at the cinema for example. They  will also like to socialise with their friends and spend time in a number of places socialising with friends in places such as restaurants the pub and at their friends’ houses.

I feel like our target audience would watch TV programmes similar to our film for example the types of TV programmes they would watch would be things such as Luther and Breaking Bad and when looking at films I think they would watch thrillers in the majority all of which contain action and so things such as action thrillers or crime thrillers and these could be James Bond or Sicario for example. I feel like our target audiences music preferences would be very broad and this mainly due to the fact that we are targeting our thriller at younger people who have a broad music choices and this could be from Hip Hop to house music, the reason why we think a large number would be into things such as house music is because a large proportion of our target audience are likely to do things such as socialise by going out to a club on a Friday night where this type of music is played. Finally when looking at the type of things that which include where our target audience are likely to shop would be span from places such as Topman when looking buying clothes to skate shops to buy their clothes. The reason why there is this divide is because yet again we have young people within our target market and a lot of younger people aren’t like the rest unlike older people who tend to develop the same interests when it comes to dressing for example.

Another method that we used to research what we should include in our thriller was making a vox pop and the reason why we used this was because we felt that we could ask people questions about what they liked within a thriller but have this documented in a way that it could be looked back on so we can use our findings later on. What a fox pop essentially is is a video of subjects answering questions which we have made regarding our film/thriller opening and the subjects give responses with their opinions of our clip that we have shown them. Vox pops are effective as they allow people to see what people have though of your rough cut/first edit for example and then been able to see the changes that you have made and also if you have put the changes which people have suggested in place and it also works as great feedback for the film makers as they something to work on and advice from their target audience on how to make their work better.   When getting information about what should be included in our thriller from our vox pop we found out that young males like to see action but along with the action they like their to be a story line and also plot twists which keep them watching. Along with this they also like to see enigmas which will also keep them watching and engaged.

The BBFC short for British Board of Film Classification was set up in 1912 and is a non-governmental body which classifies films therefore giving them an age rating before they are released. The BBFC is classed as a regulatory body which regulates and monitors the age ratings of films to make sure that there are no laws being broken and that everything in the industry is legal. They aren’t a business there to make money so the way in which they make money to pay employees is by charging the filmmakers the amount of money for that needed to be paid for their length of the film. The BBFC rate films into a number of different categories and these are U, PG, 12, 12A, 15, 18, R18. Their powers include deciding the rating of a film. The reason why the BBFC classifies films is so that children aren’t subject to being able to view certain things which aren’t age appropriate such as excessive violence or sex scenes for example. Even though all these age ratings are put in place people such as the local council can still override these ratings and for example the council can say that they will allow people under the age rating into a cinema to watch the film. They can also do things such as ban a film due to inappropriate content. Action can also be taken as far as prosecution. We would rate our film at a 15 and the reason for this is because there will be strong violence, frequent use of strong language and sexual nudity.

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