Monday 19 October 2015

Vox Pop Research

Vox Pops

·         Vox pops are where you interview a member of the public.

·         They also allow you to learn people’s opinions.

Things that make a vox pop

·         Subject isn’t central in the shot

·         They look casual and not for example dressed up smartly and make up done like a news reader

·         They are in a setting such a street for example

·         They are looking indirectly meaning they are directing their vision to the person asking the questions and not at the camera.

Conventions of a vox pop

Vox pop – short for ‘Vox Populi’ which in Latin means “Voice of the people” or “Man on street”.

·         Giving their opinion.

·         Directing their vision at the person asking the questions and not at the camera.

·         Name, age and profession.

·         Interviewer never in the frame.

·         At the beginning you get a title with a question and the interviewer is never heard.

·         Rotation of people answering.

·         Answers are always short and don’t drag out.

Vox pop questions

·         What is your favourite thriller film

·         Why?

·         What makes it different?

·         What makes it memorable?

·         What do you think makes an effective film opening?

·         What thriller opening do you remember?


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