Thursday 19 November 2015

Production Company and Ident

A production company is a company which helps to create the film. Things that a production company can help with when creating a film are budgeting which is essentially getting the money together for the production of the film. They also assist with casting and what this is is when people are casted to find the right actors for the characters of the film, they must be sure to find the best talent possible so that the film is the best it can be and the actors are as realistic and talented as possible in respect of things such as budget. They deal with scheduling which is simply scheduling the filming of the shots needed to make the film and this could be which shots are going to be filmed on each day and the timings of the filming of each shot as there are strict schedules when filming to create a film as they have a release date to work to which they have to get the film together and ready by. Scripting is also a thing that the production company deal with and this is what each character says and also at what times, this scripting will be given to all the cast members and they will have the lines which they have to learn. Not only this but they also have the responsibility of finding a director which both fits the film and also will want to actually be the director of the film.

A production company will oversee the film from start to finish and this is from when it is just an idea to the completion of the film. Having the production company oversee the film from idea to completion will mean that they can have a good input to the film and be able to provide things such as finance for the film even in its early days.

The production company also have liabilities which will fall on them and these are things which could go wrong with the film and the filming of the film. For example if an actor were to be doing some form of stunt and the equipment used wasn’t either set up correctly or just wasn’t safe and the actor became hurt due to the improper equipment then the production company would be responsible for anything that went wrong. This could make them legally liable and could cause them to face legal trouble.

Production company ident
An effective production company ident should have a number of different things and the first one being a soundtrack which makes it different to other idents and one that also attracts the viewers’ attention.  The animation should also have aspects which attract the viewers’ attention meaning it not just a still image and it should be moving in some way. Lighting is also essential in the production company ident being effective as it makes it stand out to the viewer and make it clearly seen making it more memorable for the viewer.

Lionsgate is an effective production company ident and the reason for this is due to the fact that. Firstly there is a moving animation within the ident and this is also effective as this can change depending on the film that it is at the start of. This therefore makes the ident more interesting for the viewer as it’s not just the same animation for every film they are Production Company for. The lighting for the ident is good as well which makes the animation well seen to the viewer and also helps to highlight the name of the production company which makes it stand out to the viewer.

The production company we would be using would be Lions Gate Entertainment. This production company’s headquarters is based in Santa Monica, California. The reason why we would use Lions Gate is due to the fact that this production company has made a number of good thrillers from “Inception” to “Lord of War” meaning that they have good experience in making thrillers and would be able to give us the right help and guidance we would need to make a good thriller. Having the production company based in the US could prove to be a problem however there is no problem with them coming to the UK in our eyes.  The way that the thriller would be funded is by having the Lions Gate get the funds together for our film and we would also invest some money ourselves.

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