Friday 6 November 2015

Thriller Pitch Notes

Thriller pitch

The pitch includes 8 slides and is a summary of the detailed tasks you complete.

Each slide in the pitch will link to a task.

Slide 1

·         Introduce yourself

·         Create a company logo

·         What are you doing (creating a thriller opening)

·         Who’s your target audience

·         Create a target audience profile

·         Level 4: create a company logo and compare to real companies

Slide 2

·         What is your concept and USP

·         What happens in the opening

·         Narrative and genre (and sub-genre)

·         What style are you going for?

·         What is different about your thriller than any other out there

Slide 3

·         Shot list and storyboard – brief description for the shots in your thriller and how they engage the audience

·         Task – shot list and story board

·         Level 4: At least 40 shots prepared with a detailed story board

Slide 4

·         Thriller ideas – Mis-en-scene

·         What are your MeS

·         Props

·         Style

·         Genre and sub-genre

·         Actors

·         Locations

·         Task – MeS, location scouting and actor auditions

·         Level 4: Mis-en -scene and analysis of genre

Slide 5 and 6

·         Slide 5

·         Typography and ident – How are the titles going to be shown

·         Poll everywhere for finding the best font

·         Slide 6

·         Create an opening title timeline for your opening thriller of other thrillers

Slide 7

·         Sound and effects

·         What sound track have you chosen/going to make?

·         Give a small snippet of the track in the pitch

·         What thrillers has influenced your sound choice

Slide 8

·         Risk assessment

·         What are the potential hazards within the film and how will you overcome them?

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