Monday 23 November 2015



For our shot list we have done a few simple shots to guide us so we can create more shots within the shot that we have drawn.

For our first shot we have decided to show our ident to start it all off which will fade into the start of our production.

Our first shot would be of a plain blunt match with super imposed text of who the assosiation is, which we chose would be DMLN Productions which will then jump cut to the match being lit where the music would kick in after the sound of the strike to lite it.

As we follow the match using a close up shot all the way another super imposed title will appear of the director of the film which follows to the next shot below as we use the match to move over the gun so we see the object in only the light that the match provides for us to make it more mysterious where another credit will be featured. for example who did the sound which would say 'Dario Hart'.

As it comes into shot five it will be a close up of the gun more featuring another credit which then zooms out to find the gun with more matches and a match box which will then pan down to underneath the desk to show more props which will have our main title featured with it.

We will then use a shot explaining what redemption is so our audience can get an insight onto more why the film would be called this by watching our opening as well as to give more effect. This then is followed by a shot of the Maserati Grand Turismo which will be a close up. However we added more of an idea before it of our spy with his back to us walking towards the car putting his jacket on so it shows loaction as well as keeping his identitiy hidden.The car will also be in the background of this. More close up will flash one after the other of bits of the car such as the back of the car, exhaust etc.

It will then straight cut to the wheel of the car to the keys being turned then back to the wheel of it moving which willthen fade slowly to a close up of the frontof the car panning across showing us the logo of the car and the grill itsself with added close ups as it moves.

This will then be followed by a panof the car and then aclose up in the car of the driver opening his door which will then jump cut to a close of seeing the mans foot coming out the car but will only focus on his foot as his identity will not be given away during this.

We then want a shot of the boot opening looking from the inside and out which will thn straight cut to the spys view of his equipment within the boot as we see his rifle in the back which he will then grab that will cut to a shot back to being inside the boot looking up at the spy holding the gun whih will then get closed to a black screen.

From the black screen we then see an establishing shot of where the victim and spy will be located. then a shot of our spy carrying his gun throough the woods. After this we will then have more close up of the location as well as now to our victim who is doing something in the woods.
We then see the the spy setting up his gun with amo preparing to shoot and aim at his victim within the bushes and trees where the victim will not see him which will then cut to our camera focusinginto the victim like your do when looking through the gun to focus on the target still keeping the identity of the spy hidden from our audience.  This will now cut to close ups of the gun in his hands and back to the close ups of the victim.
Our next shot idea was hearing the gun and seeing the victim fall to floor with another shot of the smoke coming from the gun after its been shot.

Our final shot idea is to have the smoke travel past our shot with the victim in the background on the floor to end our opening.

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